Vic and Mea
Peter Weiss, Architect, was highly recommended to us by friends who had Peter design their beach house. We loved the Mediterranean style that he had designed for them.
This was the look we wanted for our retirement home in Cape May. We wanted very specific floor designs, room positioning and porches that we had in mind and knew they would be a challenge. However, Peter and his staff worked diligently with us to create our beautiful home. As Cape May is an historical town, there were many building restrictions and building codes. Pete and Andrea attended board meetings with us bringing detailed illustrations and visual aides. They were also instrumental in obtaining our variance and permits that were crucial for the home design. Our builder commented several times throughout the project on how detailed and precise the drawings were helping him to complete the home. We truly appreciate the time Peter and his associates spent to achieve the look we wanted. There is not a day that goes by without someone stopping to say how beautiful our home is.
Very Truly,
Vic and Mea
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